My relations with some colleagues like Supervisor Jha and Operators like Burman improved. It was a good progress as I started finding a few areas that were going smooth. But the issues with others continued. And with the team of about 15 Supervisors and 90 Technicians, I needed more effort to get the acceptance from majority of team.
Biggest disappointment and frustration was because some of the technicians are quite rude for no reason. I checked many times if my communication was sounding offensive but that cant be the case when there are a few people who were accepting me.
Most notorious among them, Jana made me change that was need of the hour.
When coke is burnt to generate steam, due to the poor quality of coal, unburnt portion forms in to hard mass called clinkers. These large items keep falling down and there is a passage with high pressure water to move the clinkers out on regular basis. Many times, the clinkers accumulate at a rate faster than the flow of clinkers to the distant pit. In such cases another booster pump is run to extract the clinkers fast.
One day, in such situation, I called the Operators room and asked the Operator to run the booster pump for an hour. Jana, the notorious among many, replied as usual "It cant happen"
Hearing this many times, I really got furious. Still trying to control I asked him "Why Jana jee?"
"You go down and check yourself"
I really got annoyed and thought this is time that I need to react. I kept the phone down and went to the Operator's room.
as usual there was a large group sitting and enjoying junk talks.
I asked "who is Jana here?"
I was not sure how I sounded but I saw Jana standing and replying "I am Jana. what do you want?"
"I asked you to run the Booster Pump. Why cant you do that?"
"It cant be done now"
Jana was scared a bit, moved a step back and said "Workers are yet to come to start the pump. We have to wait ...."
"What is your problem to tell the same when I called you over phone?"
"What is your issue to start the pump by yourself if workers didnt come? Have you seen the Clinker level? If you dont know tell me, I know how to do and will teach you"
None of the others spoke anything in support of Jana.
After a pause, I said "Let us go and start the Pump"
Jana followed me silently.
Pump was started and I checked a few parameters and waited for an hour to stop the Pump when the Clinker level dropped.
I went back along with Jana and told the team "I dont care how we work and how much knowledge we have. But the communications need to be smooth. No rude communication can be accepted"
Debashish opened his mouth and told me "Khaderao daa, do you know I am the union leader here? ....."
"Yes I know, as a Union leader you are supposed to ensure the decorum of your team. That is when "we" can fight for our rights and privileges"
I returned to my work place. The responses started improving but I know there will be a few who would be targeting me for mistakes.
A couple of days later I again went to the room in night shift. I found majority people sleeping while 3,4 guys playing a Dot Game.
I switched all the lights on and said 'Please dont sleep in the nights"
One of them looked at me seriously and asked "tell me if there is some work. we will do"
"The issue is I cant risk asking sleepy guys to work and end up in to accidents. I am concerned about the safety of you all."
'Thanks Khaderao daa. But what do we do when there is no work?"
Good point.
"Let us play the Dots game. I also love it"
Two of them lifted their heads and looked at me with surprise.
"Yes, I like Dots game. tomorrow I will bring Chess and Cards as well" I laughed.
Debashish asked me 'Yesterday you were talking about decorum. Will playing in work hours ok?"
"Debashish daa" (everyone noticed that I was addressing them as Daa (brother in Bengali))
"I still believe decorum is required. Sleeping in night shift is harmful more than the decorum. Let us have fun at work which can be OK as long as Work is not impacted"
I know the point is debatable but it didnt matter when the guys joined me playing dots.
I brought Chess and Cards the next day and asked Debashish to be custodian for these items.
I applied for additional expenses to bring a few more items like Carrom board.
(To Continue)
Disclaimer: I have been writing the blogs in the style of story telling based on real incidents but with some fiction added to emphasize the message. Hence I request not to make any conclusions to derive facts based on the posts in these articles
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